Star Wars Legion!

Fantasy Flight Games - Star Wars Legion

So Fantasy Flight is bringing out a new miniatures skirmish game in the Star Wars franchise.
Whilst I am super excited to play the game and already preordered the core set and some extras, what I am most excited about is this minis!

The core box alone comes with and bunch of Rebel fighters, Storm Troopers, Darth Vadar and the one and only Luke Skywalker, along with some vechicles including speeder bikes. Optionally you can also get Leia an amazing looking AT-ST (huge in size (and price)) and a Snow Speeder.

If you want to take a look at the full range you can find more here Star Wars Legion .
There is some pretty cool looking minatures and terrain in the core game and expansions, but some of the mini's I will be most looking forward to, and posting images of to here will be.

Luke and Vadar


The Classic Stormtroper


AT-ST (look at that scale, going to be a really fun project)

And even some scenary pieces, the iconic moisture farm

The core set and expansions all release on March 22nd in the UK and will be my next main project after Shadespire, so look forward to images of those soon!

