New Shadespire Warbands & Necromunda Gang

Shadespire Warbands

So Games Workshop have just announced 2 new warbands for Shadespire. They are alternative warbands from the Khorne and Eternal Stormcast factions and they look fabulous.

These Khorne warriors look like they will be really cool to paint with the traditional pure red khorne armor and gold highlights. There is also a demon minion here that is going to be different to anything we have painted in shadespire before so that is going to be really fun to paint up.

Then you have these 3 new stormcast eternals, with a similar look to the other Warband, but with ranged weaponry and a parrot pet!!! Cannot wait to get these out on the board and play with them, having some ranged options on a Stormcast team is going to be great and the poses are really nice.

Necromunda Gang

So although we have not painted any Necromunda here yet, I am a HUGE Necromunda fan and I have all 3 existing gangs (+a white dwarf special Genestealer conversion gang) built and read to paint soon.

However my gang the Van Saar, has now been released and I am over the moon with joy at the minis, they are beautiful, have amazing looking armor and poses and I cannot wait to paint them, I may even paint them before the existing gangs as I wish to play with them first!

As a group they look great together, with cool weapons and alien/insect like armor, but they REALLY shine as individual minis.

I seriously cannot wait to get my hands on these and start painting.

In other news Kill Team is back so expect some 40k minis from me in the future, specifically a Nurgle Skirmish Team.
