Shadespire - Stormcast Eternals Painting

 Stormcast Eternals

The Proud Stormcast Eternals; I decided to not do the typical golden armor look that is associated with the Stormcast, I find it a bit over the top and garish personally, I also wanted to throw in some heavy purple spot colours to make them seem more royal and I was eager to try painting a powersword for the first time.


Just one thing to note here, on the lead guy (the one with the sword and exposed face) I decided to leave him in 3 parts in order to paint his sword later on.

Base Coating

So with these minis I primed them in a standard black, then I hit them from above with a light blast of gray to begin to show some highlighting on the model and to help me visualise where to highlight the armor later on.

Base Coating

Armor/weapons - Citadel Leadbelcher
Golden Armor - Citadel Balthasar Gold
Purple Sections - Citadel Naggrath Night
Leather belts/weapon holders - Citadel Abbadon Black
Weapon handles and front leather - Citadel Screaming Pink
Face - Citadel Kislev Fleshtone
Hair/scrolls - Citadel Zandri Dust
Sword/stone - Vallejo Cold Gray
Dirt - Citadel Rhinox Hide
Plants - Citadel Loren Forest

The basing was all pretty typical just carefully apply the paints to give you a good foundation.


The shading/washing on these minatures was done in multiple parts.

Firstly I washed the silver armor in what I call "Armor Wash" to make this do the following

Armor Wash

Nuln Oil - 4 parts
Agarax Earthshade - 2 parts
Athonian Camoshade - 1 Part
(I also added 1 part Drakenhof Nightshade to this particular armor wash to bring out some blue hues)

This was then applied all over the silver and gold armor and the weapoons.

The purple and pink areas were washed in Drucchi Violet, whilst the face and hair were washed with a Sepia tone from Citadel. The scrolls were washed with the same Sepia tone as the face and hair.

The base was mostly washed with a mix of Nuln oil and Agarax earthshade to the stone and dirt respectivly. I added a few extra splashes of blue, purple and sepia wash to a few slabs to give them a different look and feel, almost like most or years of being walked upon.



Armor/weapons - To highlight the armor I used Citadel Runeforge Steel just on the highest points of the armor, so around the chest and ab plates, the edges of gloves and shoes and around the hard edges of the weapons.

Purple Cloth - The purple armor plates were repainted with Naagrath Night, avoiding the edges or anywhere a shadow was created with the wash. The purple cloth, such as the cloak and also the helmet hair was slightly different, I used a highlight on the most raised edges using a mix of 3:1 Naagrath night and white was used to emphasize these areas some more.

Pink Fabric - This was dry brushed with Screaming Pink all over very lightly, just to pick out some edges on the weapon grips and leather armor.

Gold - The baltazar Gold was drybrushed heavily and multiple times over with Retributors Gold to take them from a bronze look to a pure gold look.

Black - This was highlighted with vallejo Cold Grey on just a few edges of the straps and weapon cases.

Hair - This was highlighted with Screaming skull white using a stippling technique to create a texture feel and then the very front edges of the hair were highlighted again with a pure white.

Face - Kislev Flesh was reapplied on cheekbones, nose, brow and chin to bring these areas out, the cheeks were also given a light glaze/wash with cadian fleshtone to bring out a more rich red skintone in these areas.

Base - This was drybrushed on the stone with the same Vallejo cold grey and on the dirt with a lighter brown called Deathclaw Brown, at this stage I also painted the green leaves with straken green just on the edges leaving a dark line in the middle.

Scrolls - This was highlighted with screaming skull just on the folded edges or exposed areas.


The last thing I did to this minature was the sword. Firstly the cold gray base was coated with Drakenhof Nightshade to give it a blue tinge. 

Next a 4:1 glaze of Kantor Blue and White was applied to the top left and bottom right of the sword   to the center, this was then repeated a few times getting further away from the center each time.
After this I created a 2:2 version of the paint mix and did just the very top and bottom few milimeters of the sword.

Next was a full glaze over the whole sword with Citadels Guilliman blue to bring it all into the same blue gradients.

Next I took a 3:1 mix of the paint and started applying the lightning pattern I wanted over the sword using THICK versions of the final lines I wanted, this created the background effect, after this was pure white, at a medium line thickness followed by another wash of Guilliman Blue.

Finally with pure white and a very steady hand I traced as thin as possible the lightning lines staying inside the middle thickness if possible.

Finally add a few tiny sparking lightning lines coming off the main line and breaking outside our gradient we created and that's it, one finished lightning sword.

Next up are the Shadespire dwarfs, but I may take a break from shadespire to paint some Star Wars Legion which is released tomorrow!

Any questions or comments feel free to send them my way.
